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Pivoting Your Digital Marketing Strategy To Adapt To Economic Change

Amidst all the change happening around us with the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital climate is changing drastically by the day. Companies across the globe have found themselves in uncharted territory as their revenue intake is no longer defined by seasonality and “business as usual” standards. Adapting to our new environment is now a must-have and in order to achieve ideal results, a strategic thought out plan must be implemented. Reaching people digitally is now more important now than ever before. 

The economic impact of COVID-19 has changed our spending habits. It’s important to be hyper cognizant of what’s going on throughout the world and to consider your message tone in times of national crisis. Think about how your business relates to your consumer. What is your value prop and how does it resonate? For example, native imagery must match the new standard of social distancing. Does your ad show someone shaking hands? It might be time to update that visual. Also be sure to re-review your ad copy to align your CTA’s. People may not be able to visit your business in person now. Think about how they can virtually engage with you and pivot your message accordingly.

Now that users are at home through the week and over the weekend, is this impacting the previous trends on-site traffic, engagement, and conversions? Keep a close eye on how your marketing campaigns are reacting to identify and capitalize on emerging trends. Search behaviors are fluctuating constantly and we’re watching our site visitors closely. Look for metric trends to see where you can maximize on where performance is strong and implement negative keywords that drive spend with no conversions to maintain efficiencies.

Keeping your brand top of mind is extremely important. With fewer drivers on the road and more users staying at home and the value of billboard has been decimated. Consumers may not be spending but they are searching. We know demand may be lower at this time but driving brand awareness shouldn’t be as people are still researching and turning to online as their shopping source.

Consider shifting your marketing strategy to a medium mix that includes demand generation channels like programmatic display, connected TV, and video which are experiencing results that are through the roof. These channels are designed to reach a consumer in the inspiration and consideration stage in their customer journey. This also helps build your CRM lists and gives you the ability to grow your remarketing list which is known for converting at a higher rate. Keep your business top of mind, so when a consumer is ready to purchase, your business is there to capture their conversion.

Think about the user experience from the customer’s point of view. Is your site relevant and easy to navigate? Does your site take too much time to load? Are there several steps a user has to take in order to check out? Does your site allow several forms of payment? More competitors will live and breathe in the digital landscape now that the marketing world is completely virtual. All of these things need to be considered or you could experience higher bounce rates and less trust in your brand. The changes are all within your control and can make a significant impact on keeping a user on your site which in turn results in conversions.

During this time of unprecedented change, Chacka can help your business navigate through it to deliver results. We’ll ensure your brand utilizes a well thought out marketing strategy designed to reach your target audience at the right place with the right message. Contact Chacka and we’ll help your brand create, manage, forecast and optimize. 

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